It's sad :( To sum it all up: I'm back in the Homeworld Universe, It looks better than ever, but it feels off. Very often they get stuck in front of another big ship, waiting for the big ship to move instead of going around, hence, no repairs done. This is especially annoying, when in battle and you order your support frigates to repair your capitals. This doesn't work anymore, they just form a small blob flying alongside the protected ship, which renders the sphere formation completely useless. In the original, you could let your smaller ships enter a sphere formation and with an additional guard command on bigger ships, they would move in position to form a protective sphere around the ship, firing on all threats while moving along with the guarded ship in a perfect sphere. This is especially bad in the sphere formation. Most of them just don't do what they're supposed to. They killed the formations which worked perfectly in the original. In some levels, it took several hours! to collect all the remaining resources. Also, they seem to move even slower than in the original HW. On several occasions, they were sitting idle when given the harvest command after they consumed a cloud or a rock, not harvesting any further. Maybe it is just my memory, but they really seem to behave quite stupid when collecting resources. To add to that flaw, the resource collectors seem to have gotten the dumb makeover. Why not is beyond me, since in Homeworld 2, it was already implemented that resources are collected automatically at the end of the levels. There was the chance to get rid of the tedious resource collecting at the end of levels. I'll only be talking about Homeworld remastered, not Homeworld 2 remastered. Space has never before looked so strikingly good. The graphics are just beautiful and do the original justice. The the long awaited remastered version of one of the finest if not the finest space RTS is finally here. The long awaited remastered version of one of the finest if not the finest space RTS is finally here.